The v200 Clan

v200 Clan Updates

v200 Clan Update 4/24/2011
The Axis of Evil and Phsychotic Spartans

        v200 and The Axis of Evil had a meeting this evening. The Axis of Evil has fused with v200. All they have requested is that their leader could be a Division leader and if his members would be treated equaly. We also had a meeing with the Phsychotic Spartans. They too fused with v200 today. There are currently many other clans who wish to fuse with v200, but we are still only considering them. The potential of fusing with other clans will now be decided by the Council with the Supreme General's permision.

v200 Clan Update 4/24/2011
Another Assassination Attempt

        This morning, "V" went to go talk to someone named The FALLEN because he wanted to meet "V".  They talked for a few minutes. Suddenly, The FALLEN said he was sent by his master to kill "V" because "V" was responsible for his "Master's friend's death". He pulled out his energy sword and came after "V". However, "V" threw a plasma grenade. It landed right on his neck. The FALLEN then said "OH shit..." and blew up. He mentioned someone named "Lone Wolf Killer". That may be his Master who sent him to assassinate "V". "V" simply replied "nice try" and quit the game. "V" is responsible for many people being executed or assassinated, so it is currently unknown who the canidate was.

v200 Clan Update 4/22/2011
Taking Action

        Lately, since v200 has started, we've been minding our own business. Anonymous people have even said "If there's trouble, v100 probably has something to do with it". Basically, soon enough we will be getting involved with other clans again. It"s not like us to just "sit around". We will not be fighing any enemy clans right away, but we may be helping other clans defeat their enemies. Therefore, as of today, we are no longer a community and will begin training for any military action.

v200 Clan Update 4/18/2011
It's Urmom again...

        Recently, the v200 Spec Ops found a video made by Urmomdoz wha. It shows him and a v200 member in some sort of meeting room with a giant V on the wall. Urmomdoz wha then looks at the camera, and assassinates the v200 member while he's looking away. Urmomdoz wha then looks at the camera again. This was obviously planned. If you'd like to see this video, ask some v200 members. Someone is bound to have it. Urmomdoz wha hasn't stopped just yet. He"s proved he is our enemy.

v200 Clan Update 4/14/2011
New Website

        This website was created today, and it is comming out great! No official clan pictures have been added yet, but they will very soon.